Brockham Village
The Brockham Parish Council plays a vital part in representing the interests of the community it serves and improving the quality of life and the local environment. It acts as an advisory agency for planning matters, road safety and other functions of local government. Our areas of focus and who we are are listed below.
We are a corporate body, an elected tier of local government, that has been granted powers by Parliament including the important authority to raise money through taxation, called the precept. We are not political and are the closest official body to the community, working to pull all groups and organisations together in the village.
Brockham Parish Council comprises seven elected Councillors all of whom are residents in the village. All are voluntary roles, of which one is voted in as Chairman. Our Chairman is Karen Gargani. The Parish Council employs a part time clerk who is a critical link between council and local authorities, our supplies, our councillors and our residents. Our clerk is Laura Mann.
Many residents help by being part of our working groups to enhance village life. We rely on feedback and input from our community to enable us to best present everyone, to protect our rural status and support each other.
More details of councillor and working groups can be found below:
Council Strategy, Environment, Infrastruture
Vice Chairman
Flood rep, Planning
Financial monitoring and payments, Gatwick Issues, Angus Energy, Planning
Cllr Roshie Watkins
Finance approvals/ signatory, planning
Cllr Ross Lane
Green Spaces, Environmental
Parish Councillors Register of Interests are stored at Mole Valley and can be accessed here
The Parish Council is supported by our lovely Parish Clerk Laura Mann: to contact the Parish council, please email
The Parish Council deals with a variety of matters affecting day to day life in Brockham, from reviewing current planning applications to organising essential maintenance work and planning for the future.
What have the Parish Council completed, or spent money on since 2021? For more information on what else we spend money on, you can view our Financial Transparency adherence in our accounts pages here.
The list is growing: Perhaps much of what we do is unknown, and as part of the local authority closest to you in the local community, we will do our best to explain:
For changes to the website, please contact : Brockham Village Hall, Brockham Green, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7JJ
Brockham Parish Council. All rights reserved.