Traffic and Road Safety


Infrastructure including

Traffic and Road Safety

Parish Council Traffic Calming Project update: Brockham Lane and Middle Street - we have made good progress and have partnered with Surrey Highways to present the plans for Traffic Calming and a Consultation on Monday 20th November 2023 in the Village Hall.  Final discussions with impacted residents in Middle Street has occured we are waiting for dates to be confirmed.  Brockham Lane will be reviewed later as feedback has not been as positive as Middle Street and the designs will need to be revisited.

20th November 2023 - over 80 residents were presented to by Karen Gargani, Chairman Brockham Parish Council and Chris Agent, Surrey County Council highways.  Artist impressions were shared and the plans talked through for Middle Street an Brockham Lane.  Residents signed in and proved comments, support and feedback after the meeting.  All are lodged and many questions were responded to.

March-May 2024 - Further discussions with residents impacted by the proposed changes have occured, with parish councillors in a meeting at the rec with Chris Agent and followup emails and visits.   Chris has adjusted plans slightly to enable individual driveways and houses to have less impact on the buildouts.  Further drawings have been shared.

All feedback to the parish council and to County Councillor Helyn Clack has been acknowledged.

This scheme is funded by Brockham Parish Council and Surrey County Council and will go ahead early 2025.  When diversion routes and more details are confirmed, the residents will first be notified and then all residents in the village. Surrey Highways are currently running a consultation with residents (November 2024).

We are also involved in discussions with Surrey County Council on the A25, with safety crossing, cycle lanes and the junction at Brockham Lane to be discussed in Q4 2024.

Work that led up to the major proposals:

Following the residents’ working groups set up a couple of years ago, traffic speeds and ways of reducing traffic have been discussed with Surrey County Council and the Parish Council devised a plan of actions.   The list below shows what we have completed and what is in progress. 

  1. Traffic Signs - Identifying, reporting and getting traffic signs replaced
  2. Speed Signs - Purchase and installation of a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) on Middle Street. We are seeking joint match funding from Surrey County Council (SCC) to enable a sign to be erected on the southern facing side too. 

  3. School Safety - Discussions with the school on safety matters on Wheelers Lane with Mole Valley District School Safety Officer. 

  4. Parking Survey including new restrictions - In the Summer 2021 Brockham Parish Councillors carried out a full and detailed parking review of Brockham with the Parking Manager at SCC Highways identifying the various roads where we would like to have double yellow lines installed to prevent cars parking in dangerous spots. In villages, double yellow lines are painted a paler yellow and are thinner, to be more in keeping with a rural village environment.This has the aim of aiding traffic flow and improving pedestrian safety.
  5. Entry Gates – we purchased entry gates for both ends of the village last year. They are recycled white plastic and statistics show a small reduction in speed where a village looks cared for.
  6. Flower Trugs - We have installed several planters/trugs to place through the village by the road. Apart from making the village look attractive it is also hoped to deter speeding.. The self-watering planters are made from a recycled material.
  7. SpeedWatch – This is an active team within our village. Cllr Gary Evans leads this team.
  8. A25 Speed Change 50-40mph – The Parish Council has lobbied for this for many years. An extra push with our latest initiatives and support from residents has persuaded Surrey County Council to support this. This speed reduction has now happened.
  9. Double Yellows – in addition to the A25 speed reduction, new double yellow lines have been installed at the top of Brockham Lane on both sides. The Parish Council has asked Surrey County Council to complete the work and to extend the markings further down Brockham Lane (South).
  10. 20’s Plenty - Submitted a request to Surrey County Council to explore to implement 20 mph through Brockham from Brockham Bridge to Brockham Recreation Ground - this has now changed and we have alternative traffic calming plans
  11. HGV Satnav – Stopping large vehicles coming through the village is not legal and we do want to support our farmers and local workers. We are investigating whether we can register our village on commercial Satnav to deter lorries cutting through the village.

  12. School safety - We are also concerned about speeding near the school and are liaising with School Safety officers at Surrey County Council to see if we can get more focus here and perhaps get a lollypop man/lady.  This may the one area we consider for 20mph limit
  13. Middle Street - Proposals and Funding completed, plans available for public consultation
  14. Brockham Lane - Proposals replanned and ready for public consultation.  BPC funding in place. Junction A25 with Brockham Lane - The BPC are working with SCC Highways to review junction improvements and safer crossing in this area.  More updates early 2024.

We hope that all of the items make a good step towards making our village safer.

Karen Gargani

Chairman, Brockham Parish Council

Brockham Parish Council

Downloads 2021-2022

Traffic Calming Proposals TRUST Update 2021 Highways Update - February 22 Parking Review Proposed Planters
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