Brockham Village
Brockham Parish Council
The Elizabeth Bailey Field is located to the south of Brockham in Strood Green and held in trust by Brockham Parish Council. It is an open space which is to be used for the benefit of the children of Brockham.
The Parish Council are responsible to maintain the green space, trees and hedging and ensure it can be used all year round.
The playground at the Elizabeth Bailey field is managed and maintained by the Trustees, Brockham Parish Council. It is our responsibility to ensure the playground has monthly health and safety checks and is in a good state of repair.
We are exploring options to be able to enhance the playing experience for the children and embarking on a long term project to have the playground upgraded. We will be reliant on grant funding to achieve this goal. In the shorter term we hope to be able to possible install some new pieces of equipment which will benefit the youth.
The Parish Council has provided two table tennis tables for residents of Brockham to enjoy. You just need to bring your own bats and balls and hope for the sunshine and little wind.
Brockham Parish Council is the Custodian Trustee of the Charity of Elizabeth Bailey for a Playing Ground
Charity No. 297408
For changes to the website, please contact : Brockham Village Hall, Brockham Green, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7JJ
Brockham Parish Council. All rights reserved.