Brockham Village
Housing for the elderly.
In the early 1980’s a local benefactor bought Antony West House, originally the vicarage of Christ Church, with the purpose of ‘providing accommodation for those who have reached sixty years of age and who are able to live independently and to care for their own needs; the properties are for the use of needy persons wanting such accommodation with priority given, at the discretion of the Association, to people having connection with Brockham and neighbouring villages in the district of Mole Valley’. Vacant accommodation is still allocated on this basis.
If you are perhaps thinking of downsizing or are in need of accommodation and would like further information about Anthony West House, please refer to the Brockham Village Website and contact Brockham Housing Trust. .
Did you know there is local charity which helps people who are struggling financially? Betchworth United Charities (Registered Charity No. 200299) is the name for the combined parish charities which have operated continuously since 1628, for people living in Betchworth or Brockham.
If you are struggling or know someone who is, please contact us to see if we can help you. It could be a one- off financial crisis or a regular shortfall due to the cost of living challenges. We don’t judge, but we would like to hear from you. All communication is completely confidential.
This charity is among several to be supported by the Henry Smith Charity, covering the ancient parish of Betchworth, which includes Brockham. It provides support to persons in need, suffering hardship or distress, and grants for educational or training purposes to children and young people.
Eight Trustees include representatives nominated by Betchworth and Brockham Parish Councils together with the Rector of Betchworth and the Vicar of Brockham.
To find out more please contact either:
Milla Peterken
( 07771568862)
Clerk to the Trustees;
Andrea Brown
( 07788194972)
Brockham Emergency Response Team (BERT) is a volunteer community resilience group – helping the community during floods or other threats, supported by Brockham Emergency Volunteers (BEVs). It also provides a local community email news/alert service.
BERT evolved following the flooding that occurred in Brockham village in December 2013. It became clear that a local response was needed during such times, to help protect the lives and property of those, particularly elderly and infirm residents, in distress.
Since that time, BERT has recruited and trained over 50 active volunteers (and 12 young volunteers under 18) to help provide assistance and information to residents during severe weather or other local emergency, and to turn out for organised working parties to help keep drains and ditches free flowing. The group also provides information to the local council and Flood Forum to enable them to take action to avoid future flooding problems.
Brockham Housing Trust is a local charitable housing association with 14 one-bedroom properties, some suitable for couples. The criteria for selection are persons aged 60 or over, who are capable of independent living, and have local connections the village. This small community has use of a large garden, off street parking and a part time warden who is resident on site. AWH also has an in-house system linking residents to emergency aid via a Community Alarm System. Vacant properties will be advertised through the BERT email system.
Enquires to the Chairman: Hazel Leitch 01737 843601
The Brockham Overseas Aid Group was formed to help with the refugee crisis. We now support several small charities working on specific projects overseas. We raise funds by organising community events such as coffee mornings and a Heritage Talk with afternoon tea. We have a band of knitters who make clothing and blankets. A few years ago we ran a very successful ‘Human Fruit Machine’ at the Brockham Village Fair.
If you wish to join our team or help by baking, making or knitting please contact Margaret Churchley on 01737 844353, or just help by coming along to support our events.
Contact The Warden
Phone: 01737 843121
We are always delighted to welcome new members to the Society.
Whether you are developing a new interest in the Arts, or have in depth knowledge already, you will find our programme of lectures and day trips a fascinating experience, and perhaps an opportunity to make new friends.
We meet at 2.30pm on the third Monday of each month, apart from August and December, in the Betchworth Village Memorial Hall. Or, if you prefer, you can watch the lectures on Zoom from the comfort of your own home.
To view this year’s programme of lectures and day trips - and for details of how to join us as member or visitor -go to our website.
Situated near the centre of the village, the 70 year old club boasts a lovely well-tended 4 rink bowling green set in a woodland scene on the north bank of the River Mole. It is a lively club with varied membership who enjoy the relaxing and social side of this popular sport for all ages.
There is much to read and learn about the club on the website. Please contact us to see if this is the new pastime for you. We look forward to hearing from you.
Brockham Choral originally started in Brockham Village but has now migrated to Dorking due to the increase in membership, although members still live in Brockham and surrounding villages. We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm at St John's School in North Holmwood and put on 3 concerts a year, usually in St Martin's Church Dorking. We are a non-auditioning choir and new members are always welcome.
Contact Mary Suckling on 01483 283957 or see our website for further details.
Brownies meet in Christ Church Hall on Thursdays from 5.30pm to 6.45pm. Being a Brownie is all about fun, friendship and adventure for 7 to 10 year old girls.
Contact: Madeleine Powell
Phone: 07884 421353
The Horticultural Society has been established for a great many years and covers the three villages of Betchworth, Brockham and Buckland. In the past there were two shows a year, exhibiting fruit and vegetables grown by the members. The Summer show always on Brockham Green and in the Brockham Village Hall brought a lot of interest from the public. The Autumn Show was held in the Betchworth War Memorial Hall and was equally successful.
Our yearly events
The Society has a very supportive membership. They enjoy three talks held in the darker months at the beginning of each year by outside speakers. The past subjects have included sheep dog trials, birds of prey, keeping chickens and the secret life of the mole, plus a variety of gardening tips and advice.
The Plant sale is welcome in May where many plants and artefacts’ are available to purchase.
The Autumn Show, usually held in September at the Betchworth War Memorial Hall, is the highlight of the gardening calendar. Always well supported and an opportunity for the members to exhibit their beautiful plants and vegetables they have nurtured over the year. Crafts, cookery and photography are exhibited too.
The November AGM is an opportunity for members to hear an official report from the Committee and a chance to air their views.
Apart from the yearly events the Society has a close connection with North Downs Primary School. Mary Rode (our Chairwoman) has organised the school allotment for a number of years and has created an enormous interest in gardening with quite a few of the children.
Children from all years are invited to visit the allotment during school time. They enjoy planting seeds, growing vegetables and harvesting them. Often they cook their vegetables for lunch. They work hard carrying out all gardening tasks.
We also have an allotment club where the children meet after school on a Friday.
The highlight of the year is the Autumn show in September. The children enter their prize vegetables in the hope they are winners. It is pleasing to note they have won many individual and group prizes over the years.
If you are a keen gardener then the Horticultural Society is for you. If you are interested please contact the Club Secretary, Ruth Johnson 01737 842691 or email for more information.
Rainbows meet in Christ Church Hall on Thursdays from 4.15pm to 5.15pm. For girls aged 5 to 7 years, we play loads of fun games and do activities and challenges.
1st Brockham Village Guides meet on Tuesdays from 7.00pm to 8.45pm. We cater for girls aged 10-14 years old and offer a variety of activities and experiences with a focus on adventures outdoors. If you would like to join in the adventure, please contact Alisa Radlett
1st Brockham Green Guides meet in Christ Church hall on Thursdays from 7.00pm to 8.45pm. We provide activities, challenges and friendship for girls from 10 to 14 years. Please go to our 1st Brockham Green Facebook page to see follow our programme.
Bonfire Night in Brockham is the culmination of six weeks bonfire building, planning and preparation for one of the largest Guy Fawkes Night celebrations in the country. We create a safe event for the thousands of people who attend with car parking, catering, the pig roast, the procession, bonfire and fireworks all helping to make it a unique event.
The bonfire provides a very important focus for village life but it also raises significant funds for local organisations and good causes. Around £20,000 is given away each year - not bad for an event where we don't charge for admission.
From Easter until October, teas are provided on Sunday afternoons in the church hall and garden from 2.30pm until 5.00pm. Each week the teas are provided by a different charity, which gives them an opportunity to raise vital funds.
Tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes are served in the church community hall and during fine weather, tables are set up on the church lawn where you can enjoy views of the picturesque village green and North Downs.
When we are safely able to hold Teas on the Green again details of the dates and the groups providing the teas will be published here.
For more information, contact Clare Hamilton.
We provide a friendly meeting place for mums, dads and carers in a safe, fun environment for your babies and toddlers to play and socialise in. We meet every Thursday in Brockham Village Hall, in term time. We are currently running two sessions: 9:30am-10.45am (for those living in RH3 postcode) and 11am-12.15pm.
The group offers a sectioned-off baby play area with baby toys and playmats. For those on the move there are ride-on toys, a slide, play toys, books, puzzles, playdough, dressing-up and a craft table. At the end of the session, after our tidy up time, we do some singing. The cost is £2 for the first child plus £1 per additional child. We offer tea, coffee and biscuits for the adults and kids.
We welcome new joiners so please do come along, drop-in and enjoy our playgroup.
07739 021826
Brockham Green Nursery is community based and offers a warm, inviting and stimulating environment for our pre-school children. It is run by qualified experienced staff and offers a Forest School with access to beautiful countryside and woodland.
Contact Kin Peters, Manager, on 07768 736418
For changes to the website, please contact : Brockham Village Hall, Brockham Green, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7JJ
Brockham Parish Council. All rights reserved.